lördag 28 maj 2011

Förnyelsebar energi

Gustav Fridolin i Valpejl-svar (det rekommenderas för övrigt att gå genom testet då det ger enkel möjlighet att se hur ledamöterna matchar dina åsikter):
Matt Ridley i Wall Street Journal (hela artikeln är mycket läsvärd):

Contrast that with blue whales, cod and passenger pigeons, all of which plainly renew themselves by breeding. But exploiting them caused their populations to collapse or disappear in just a few short decades. It's a startling fact that such "renewable" resources keep running short, while no non-renewable resource has yet run out: not oil, gold, uranium or phosphate. The stone age did not end for lack of stone (a remark often attributed to the former Saudi oil minister Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani).

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