Agnes Arpi skriver idag i
Expressen under rubriken "Arbetsmiljöbristerna – den tysta skandalen", och inleder artikeln med: "Så har det hänt igen. Ännu en arbetsplatsolycka att föra till statistiken." (via
Statistik på temat, från
Arbetsmiljöverket (pdf):
Och angående arbetsplatsolyckor i stort - ur
Arbetsskador 2012 (pdf); röd linje är arbetsolyckor med sjukfrånvaro:
Januari-maj 2013 har enligt
Arbetsmiljöverket 12 personer avlidit i arbetet, att jämföra med 18 under samma period 2012, 20 personer 2011 och 26 personer 2010 (
dödsfallen som inträffat handlar vidare snarare om fordonsolyckor och rånmord än den industri Arpi diskuterar (pdf)).
Ytterligare att ta hänsyn till är att antalet anställda ökat stadigt under perioden - från
Danne Nordling:
Det sker alltså ständigt förbättringar utöver vad regelverken anger - felslutet att förbättringar måste ske via lag tog redan Bastiat upp - ur
That Which is Seen, and That Which is Not Seen:
But, by a deduction as false as it is unjust, do you know
what economists are accused of? It is, that when we disapprove of
Government support, we are supposed to disapprove of the thing
itself whose support is discussed; and to be the enemies of every kind
of activity, because we desire to see those activities, on the one
hand free, and on the other seeking their own reward in themselves.
Thus, if we think that the State should not interfere by taxation in
religious affairs, we are atheists. If we think the State ought not to
interfere by taxation in education, we are hostile to knowledge. If we
say that the State ought not by taxation to give a fictitious value to
land, or to any particular branch of industry, we are enemies to
property and labour. If we think that the State ought not to support
artists, we are barbarians who look upon the arts as useless
Against such conclusions as these I protest with all my
strength. Far from entertaining the absurd idea of doing away with
religion, education, property, labour, and the arts, when we say
that the State ought to protect the free development of all these
kinds of human activity, without helping some of them at the expense
of others, - we think, on the contrary, that all these living powers of
society would develop themselves more harmoniously under the influence
of liberty; and that, under such an influence no one of them would, as
is now the case, be a source of trouble, of abuses, of tyranny, and
Our adversaries consider, that an activity which is neither
aided by supplies, nor regulated by Government, is an activity
destroyed. We think just the contrary. Their faith is in the
legislator, not in mankind; ours is in mankind, not in the legislator.
Några tidigare inlägg på temat:
Gruvarbetares hälsa
Arbetsmiljöverket, Lundby-Wedin och Littorin om arbetsskador