onsdag 21 september 2011

Teori, praktik, humor 10

Teori, från KSMB:s Sex Noll Två:

Polisen kom och skrek och slog och spottade på mig
Det var i förrgår när jag stod och väntade på dig
De sa: "Vad gör du här?"
Jag sa: "Här får man stå."
De sa: "Stick iväg, ditt svin!"
Och jag sa: "Varför då?"
Så nu är jag slagen blå och gul utanpå och innantill
Så snälla ta mig dit där man får göra vad man vill


Praktik, från Atlanta Journal Constitution (via ifeminists): 

Shequita Walker, 40, suffers from severe joint pain and has a limited range of motion. For several years, Walker has enjoyed sitting in a metal chair in the vacant lot next to her apartment complex on Boulevard. Walker says she isn't on the sidewalk or in anyone's way, and has spent many hot afternoons waiting on the ice cream truck to drive by so she can buy a cold treat.
But on April 21, an Atlanta police officer asked her to move when she was in her regular spot, next to three other people. Walker responded by telling Officer Kenneth Thomas she was within her rights to sit outside, and that other Atlanta officers had not had a problem with it.
"She did stand her ground," attorney Dan Grossman told the AJC. "She clearly gave him defiance and some attitude."
Thomas then grabbed Walker's wrist and twisted her arm, causing her to fall to the concrete, unable to get up on her own, Walker said. Another Atlanta officer helped Walker to her feet and to the back of a patrol car. An ambulance was called to transport Walker to Grady Memorial Hospital, where she received treatment for a shoulder injury sustained when she hit the ground, Grossman said.

 Humor - från CartoonStock:
Tidigare inlägg på temat: Teori, praktik, humor (bloggetikett)

Och några tidigare inlägg om polisvåld:
- This Is Your War on Drugs
- Kriget mot droger sammanfattat på 4:29
- S.C.A.B
- Skyldig och bestulen tills motsatsen bevisats