lördag 29 december 2012

Ermahgerd Tegaderm

Boing Boings återkommande reklamslask Cool Tools skrev relativt nyligen om 3M:s produkt Tegaderm, alltså ett sterilt självhäftande plastmaterial som andas, och följaktligen har en hoper användningsområden inom sjukvården.

Skulle nu inte just Tegaderm vara lönsamt så har ändå 3M runt 55 000 andra produkter att falla tillbaka på - ur Econtalk med Jonah Lehrer (ja, samme Lehrer som bland annat fabricerade Dylan-citat):

Guest: No, no, 3M's probably the least sexy company in the world. They make tape and Post-It notes. They make office supply products. They make the stuff that people don't even want to steal, as one [?] put it to me. And yet they've got this incredible track record of innovation. They've been in the innovation business for 65+ years. More than a third of their revenues come from products that have been invented in the last 5 years.
Russ: It's unbelievable.
Guest: They've got an almost 1-to-1 employee/product ratio [84 000 anställda, 55 000 produkter]. Which is perhaps their most impressive statistic.

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