måndag 1 juni 2009

Nätporr är som geparden

BuzzFeed listar tio kampanjer på temat näthemskheter. Beacon Family Mental Health ("With Christ at the center") grep förstaplatsen med sin gepardliknelse och påståendet att 50 procent av alla skilsmässor stammade ur nätporr:


Det kan för övrigt noteras att geparden visserligen är den effektivaste jägaren bland kattdjuren (den tar bytet i runt 50 procent av fallen), men den afrikanska vildhunden anses allmänt vara sammantaget effektivast (tar bytet i runt 80 procent av fallen).

Geparden är vidare det enda stora kattdjuret som inte kan ryta (den kan dessutom spinna, vilket inte andra stora kattdjur kan), och ett av ytterst få kattdjur som inte fullt kan dra tillbaka klorna.

En mer balanserad syn på nätet och dagens samhälle står Peter Cumming(!) för - från Physorg:

In March, three teenage girls sued a Pennsylvania prosecutor who accused them of peddling "child pornography," after a teacher discovered a waist-up image of two girls covered just by a bra, and another image of a girl topless.

District Attorney George Skumanik called for the girls to undergo five weeks of behavior courses and take a drug test or face prosecution, according to a letter apparently sent to the teenagers' parents.

The American Civil Liberties Union, a cosignatory to the complaint, said Skumanik's threat was unconstitutional, and prosecution could have landed the girls on the sex offenders register, blighting future job prospects.
"It would be very unlikely to see dozens of news stories announcing that some children were caught playing spin-the-bottle, or doctor, or strip poker," [Cumming] said in his presentation.
"Yet many of the cases brought forward have been on the same level of innocence and experience as those activities. In other words, kids are playing spin-the-bottle online."

Cumming also argued that such online activities are safer than traditional sexual games because there is no immediate physical contact and thus are less likely to lead to pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.

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